Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Decisions, decisions

Sometimes methinks I think too much. And often I get too busy. I don't like being overly busy. At times like those I need to decide what is a priority and what is not. Who and what I have room for and who and what I don't. It's a tough thing thinking about it all. And I think, as I said, I think too much. Confusing right?


Cheryl Peters said...

It's he who thinks who lives most lovingly. He cares enough to endeavor to do much, often running this way and that until he falls into bed.

Better than one who sits dumbly, doing and accomplishing little.

(Hey, that's not bad after just half a cup of coffee!)

Rob said...

Well don't drink the whole cup otherwise you'll be too smart to visit this humble blog! :) Great comment!

Jennifer said...

Hey Rob, I think you think to much...

Rob said...

Ya think? :P The good news is that I have a friend like you to help me remember to "underthink" when needed.